Worksheet of Subject Verb Agreement for Class 9

19. If two or more subjects are related by ni or or, the verb is used according to the number of the noun closest to it: Rule 5: With words indicating the percentages percent, fraction, majority, some, all, etc. Rule 1, which was given earlier, is reversed, and we let ourselves be guided from noun to by If the noun is singular after de, use a singular verb. If it is a plural, use a plural verb. Rule of thumb: A singular subject (she, bear, car) takes a singular verb (is, goes, glows), while a plural subject takes a plural verb. Example: 14. “Class” nouns such as food, furniture, clothing, etc. take a singular verb: 5. One of + plural noun: If the subject consists of “one of + plural noun”, the singular verb is singular: 17. If a subject singular by as well as in addition to another noun or pronoun, etc. is connected, we use a singular verb. Article 12 Expressions such as “many”, “many”, “most” are used in the singular when referring to quantity or quantity, but they take a plural verb when they refer to the number.

Example: 9. Distances, weights, etc.: For distances, weight, height or sums of money, we use a singular verb, even if the subject is plural: fill in the gaps with the appropriate verbs in agreement with the subject. a) A dog ………………….. a faithful animal. b) Neither my parents nor my relatives ………….. present at the party yesterday. (c) Each of the boys ……………….. honest. (d) The whole class as well as the principal, …. accepted the proposal.

(e) Neither Rasipa nor Reeta ……………. Present. f) His briefcase and wallet ………….. were lost. (g) Policy ………………. his bread and butter. (h) The Committee …………….. has published its report. (i) Three parts of the enterprise …………..

I went for myself to do. j) Either he or I ………… inadvertently. Answer: (a) is (b) where (c) is/was (d) a (e) is/are (f) ont (g) is (h) a (i) is (j) out of 18. A singular verb is used with singular pronouns, e.B. everyone, either, neither, etc. Number: The basic principle of subject-verb agreement is that singular subjects need singular verbs. Plural subjects need plural verbs: 2nd person: The rules for the person are as follows: (i) The first person singular or plural adopts a singular verb: 7.

Introduction “there”: The verb must correspond to the actual subject that follows the introduction there. If the subject is singular, a singular verb follows. If the actual subject is plural, then “there” is followed by a plural verb: 12. Singular nouns with plural verb: Some nouns that appear to be singular adopt a plural verb: in these sentences, break-ins and bed and breakfast are compound nouns. Exception 3: If two singular subelements refer to the same person or thing, even if they are associated and connected, the verb is singular. The subject and verb must match in number and person. 6. Long subject: If a sentence or a long group of words is the subject, we must be careful that the verb corresponds to the subject: Directions: Underline the correct verb in these sentences. 1. Sohna (races, races) goes to the park every day. 2. Dogs (bark, bark,) at strangers.

3. Tom and Maya go to the movies. 4. The game (was, was) exciting. 5. You (worries, worries) too much. 6. You (study, study) every night.

7. Black or white (is, is) your choice. 8.C was amazing. 9. The (east, east) pretty shoes. 10. The cat or dog (is, is) in the yard. Rule 3: Two singular subjects connected by or, either/or, or/or do not require a singular verb. Exception 2: In associated and connected compound nouns, the verb is singular. When we use a singular noun as the subject of a verb, we use a singular verb.

Plural nouns assume a plural verb: Rule 1. A singular subject takes the verb to the singular and a plural subject takes the verb to the plural. Note: All English verbs are plural, we make them singular by adding s s or it to the verb. Examples: (i) Naina goes for a walk every day. (ii) The workers go on strike. Section 3. If two singular justifications refer to the same person, the verb must be in the singular. Examples: In the example, a statement of wish, not a fact, is expressed; Therefore, what we generally consider a plural verb is used with the singular subject.

Rule 7: Collective nouns such as family, couple, personal, public, etc. assume a singular verb. Article 9. Collective nouns take the verb in the singular, but if individuals are taken separately, the verb can be plural. Examples: You can master the English grammar of different classes through our articles such as tenses, clauses, prepositions, story writing, invisible passages, writing reviews, etc. 15. Some nouns that appear to be plural in form when preceded by a pair take on a singular verb, for example, shoes, scissors, pants, etc. 15. Mathematics (is, is) John`s favorite subject, while civics (is, is) Andrea`s favorite subject.

10. Plural nouns: The title of a book, the name of a house or hotel in the plural adopts a singular verb: Question 3. Specify a verb in spaces based on its subject. (a) No news …………….. Good news. (b) The girl and the boy ……………. disappeared. (c) One third of the city ……………….

flooded. (d) “The Three Idiots” …………….. Director: Raju Hirani. e) Bhagwan Das, the writer and poet, ………….. Death. (f) Saffron, white and green …………….. the colours of the Indian flag. (g) chicken and cheese …..

My favorite breakfast. (h) The crew ……………….. forced to get off the plane. (i) The ship with its crew, ……….. .

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